Gouzao Office, China by GOUZAO

The combination of the beauty of inutility and functional space

Project Specs


非常感谢 构造空间设计(联系邮箱:448957747@qq.com)予gooood分享以下内容。
Appreciation towards GOUZAO(contact: 448957747@qq.com)for providing the following description.


“A good building space should be attractive for people to stay or walk, reveling in their own experiences”, which means nothing but to create opportunities of experiencing for people. It expresses its existence and value through its own space and aesthetic power, so that when a person is in it, it speaks itself.

▼项目概览,overall view ©张家宁


The combination of the beauty of inutility and functional space

原来的空间是一个普通的二层商铺。我们准备把他打造成一个小型的办公空间,两层的空间结构,楼梯的形态与其空间的气质息息相关。这样的空间结构楼梯的设计极其重要,我们把一层作为主要办公空间然后把休闲区 、洽谈、卫生间设置在二层,这样的功能组合在设置一条趣味的行走路径,整体思路有点像游园。

▼轴测图,axon ©构造空间设计

The original space is an ordinary two-floor shop. We’re going to make it a small office space. In the two-floor space structure, the form of staircase is closely related to the space temperament. The design of such a spatial structure of staircase is extremely important. We’ll use the first floor as the main office space and then set up the leisure area, negotiation room and toilet on the second floor. The overall thinking of such a combination of functions in setting a fun walking path is a bit like traveling a garden.

▼双层的空间结构,a double-layered space ©张家宁

▼首层办公空间,working area on the first level ©张家宁


The initial point of the stairs is on the left side of the entrance, where a three-step cement sidestep is combined with the original building’s columns, and a suspended perforated steel bridge connects the cement steps with the interlayer.

▼半通透的吊桥,the a suspended perforated steel bridge ©张家宁

▼水泥台阶,the concrete steps ©张家宁


▼剖面图,section ©构造空间设计

Because the height of one layer is relatively high, we’ll make a small mezzanine. Divide the mezzanine to two parts by walls. The part facing the office is a meditation empty. Behind the wall is a suspended steel staircase, below which we covered it with gravels. The small interlayer is a buffer platform and also the climax part of the central point and the rhythm of the whole space.

▼夹层空间,the mezzanine ©张家宁

▼从办公空间望向吊桥,view to the bridge from the working area ©张家宁

▼钢板楼梯和冥想空间,steel plate staircase and the meditation area ©张家宁


Scale perception


The height of the first floor space is only 3.8 meters. The spatial scale buckles quite compactly when doing the mezzanine design to form the space and function we need through the highs and lows of the platform.

▼一层洽谈区,meeting area on the first floor ©张家宁

▼办公空间局部,office partial view ©张家宁


Changes in material


A large number of steel plates are used throughout the space, and the material of steel will slowly be oxidized over time to leave a mottled time mark on its surface. Cement and logs also set essential tones throughout the space.

▼楼梯间细节,stair well details ©张家宁

楼梯的材质我们通过虚实结合的方式让整条动线的节奏和触感更为丰富,首先是起始的水泥阶梯的(实),接着是悬空吊桥的(虚), 然后是夹层木头板(暖),最后悬空钢板的(轻),这样的层层组合形成丰富感知体验空间。

With regard to the material of the stairs, we enrich the rhythm and touch of the whole moving line through the combination of deficiency and excess. The first is the starting cement ladder (solid), and next is the (emptiness) of the suspension bridge. Then there’s the mezzanine board (warm), and at last the hanging steel plates (light), all of which form up the space of rich cognition and experience by the combination of layers upon layers.

▼虚实结合的观感,the contrast between solid and void ©张家宁

▼室内细节,interior detailed view ©张家宁

项目设计 & 完成年份:2019年2月-2019年4月
品牌(材质):木材 钢 混凝土 玻璃

More: 构造空间设计(联系邮箱:448957747@qq.com

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