“赵扬的建筑作品,现代而且抽象,一种对当下的洞见,而不是对过去形式的模仿。但是潜藏于作品深处的,又是一种古老的观念——场所精神中的秩序观——每一个特定场所中事物的秩序赋予建筑以形式、运动和节奏。赵扬竭力在每个场所中寻找一种“存在的理由”,并将此呈现为当下的形态。这是一种充满勇气和远见的尝试,一种理智而又感性的回应这个飞速变化的中国情景的方式。 ” (引自Erwin Viray 在《亚洲日常:演变的世界的可能性》里关于赵扬建筑工作室的导言)
工作室庭院 | Office Courtyard
主要作品 | WORKS
▽ 梅里雪山“既下山”精品酒店 Sunyata Hotel Meili
▽ 竹庵 Zhu’an Residence(点此查看更多)
▽ 大理古城“既下山”精品酒店 Sunyata Hotel in Dali Old Town(点此查看更多)
▽ 日本气仙沼市共有之家 Home-for-All in Kensennuma
▽ 尼洋河游客接待中心 Niyang River Visitor Center
▽ 柴米多农场餐厅及生活市集 Chaimiduo Farm Restaurant and Bazaar(点此查看更多)
▽ Hotel S
▽ 德阳艺术茶社 Art Teahouse in Deyang
▽ 满江艺术馆 Manjiang Museum
招聘职位 | JOIN US
O 项目建筑师(1名)Project Architect
3.具有优秀建筑事务所工作经验者优先, 中英文俱佳者优先;
4. 精通Autocad并能带领团队协同其他专业绘制建筑施工图;
5. 有较强的沟通能力及应变能力,能有效的跟业主方,施工方及其他合作方沟通;
1. Bachelor or above in architecture, 3 years of working experience in architectural design or above
2. Experienced in all the phases of design process, including construction documentation and construction administration.
3. Working experience from excellent architectural offices preferred, Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred.
4. Proficient in AutoCAD and able to lead the team to complete construction documentation.
5. Strong skills in communicating with client, construction team and other cooperation teams.
O 建筑师(2名)Architect
4.具备较强的手工模型制作能力,熟练掌握AutoCAD、Sketch Up、Adobe(PS/AI/ID)等制图软件,熟练使用Rhino, Maxwell, Vray等建模渲染软件者优先;
5. 具有优秀的职业素养和责任心,以及团队合作精神;
1. Bachelor or above in architecture, 1 years of working experience in architectural design or above
2. Experienced in construction drawing and construction administration preferred.
3. Working experience from excellent architectural offices preferred.
4.Strong skills in model making; Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) and other professional software; Proficient in Rhino, Maxwell and Vray preferred.
5. Responsibility and team spirit.
6. Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred.
O 景观建筑师 Landscape Architect
1. 建筑学/景观建筑学/环境艺术本科专业本科及以上学历,2年以上工作经验;
2. 能充分理解建筑与景观设计的衔接,能从整体建筑概念的角度看待设计;
1. Bachelor or above in architecture or landscape architecture, 2 years of working experience in landscape architecture or above.
2. Profound understanding about the conceptual coherence between architectural and landscape design.
3. Experienced in all the phases of design process, including construction documentation and construction administration, familiar with building tectonics and materials of landscape construction.
4. Experienced in plant design.
5. Working experience from excellent design offices preferred.
6. Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred
O 室内设计师(1名)Interior Designer
1. 建筑学/室内设计/环境艺术本科专业本科及以上学历,2年以上工作经验;
2. 能充分理解建筑空间与室内设计的衔接,能从整体建筑概念的角度看待设计;
1. Bachelor or above in architecture or interior design, 2 years of working experience in Interior design or above
2. Profound understanding about the conceptual coherence between architectural space and interior design
3. Proficient in 3D modeling and rendering.
4. Experienced in making construction drawings and construction administration, familiar with building tectonics and materials of interior construction.
5. Working experience from excellent design offices preferred.
6. Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred.
O 助理建筑师(2名)Junior Architect
4.具备较强的手工模型制作能力,熟练掌握AutoCAD、Sketch Up、Adobe(PS/AI/ID)等制图软件,熟练使用Rhino, Maxwell, Vray等建模渲染软件者优先;
1. Bachelor or above in architecture.
2. Worked as internship in excellent architectural offices preferred.
3. Good sense of responsibility and team spirit.
4.Strong skills in model making; Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) and other professional software; Proficient in Rhino, Maxwell and Vray preferred.
5. Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred.
O 实习生 Intern
1. 建筑相关专业三年以上学历;
2. 学习能力强,做事有责任心,乐于沟通,具有团队意识和协作精神;
3. 具备较强的手工模型制作能力,熟练掌握AutoCAD、Sketch Up、Adobe(PS/AI/ID)等制图软件,熟练使用Rhino, Maxwell, Vray等建模渲染软件者优先;
4. 中英文俱佳者优先考虑
5. 实习期三个月以上(注明实习起始及结束时间),实习补贴2000-3000元/月。
1. 3 years study or above in field of Architecture.
2. Good senses of responsibility and team spirit.
3. Strong skill in model making; Proficient in AutoCAD, Sketchup, Adobe Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop) and other professional software; Proficient in Rhino, Maxwell and Vray preferred.
4. Fluency in both English and Mandarin preferred.
5. Minimum 3 months or above. Salary is provided for internship.
申请方式 | How to apply
对以上职位有意者请发送简历和作品集以PDF(总大小不超过20M)格式发送至 info@zhaoyangarchitects.com,并请注明所申请职位和入职时间。对于我们感兴趣的作品集及简历,我们会尽快回复。
If you would like to join Zhaoyang Architects, please send your resume/CV, portfolio (maximum 20M) in PDF format to info@zhaoyangarchitects, with the note that the position you apply for and the date of joining. We will only reply the applicants that we are interested in.
Website: http://www.zhaoyangarchitects.com
Address:3-3-102, Huamei, Shanshuijian, Yunnan Province, China