建言建筑 | Verse Design
Verse Design is a progressive firm that commits itself to the creation of quality architec-ture and sensible design. A practice of 20 to 30 architects and designers, Verse Design pursues a rigorous investigative approach to its work. From inception of an idea to the physical realization of the work, Verse Design adopts a highly collaborative, research-based design process that focus on the built environment. To create this “environment”, Verse Design develops a close collaborative relationship with its client, resulting in an in-depth understanding of the clients pragmatic needs.
Formed through the organization of space, material, color, light and structure, the project becomes the physical expression of the client’s vision.
Verse Design’s research-based design process drives spatial innovation that seeks design solutions from the origin of the design problem. It seeks uncommon solution within the common.Employing a multi-disciplinary approach to the making of architecture and urban design, its work is grounded in active social, environmental, and economic issues while aesthetically exploring the ideas of beauty, sustainability, cultural convention and place.
For the past ten years, Verse Design has successfully assisted its clients in realizing a large number of projects in China. From ARANYA Resort and Pulo Ideal Land to Serenity Coast Resort Development, dedication to superior service is at the center of Verse Design’s practice.
代表项目| Selected Projects
▽ 风情小镇
▽ 临海小院
▽ 瞰海高层
▽ 海边集市
▽ 业主食堂
▽ 安澜酒店
▽ 郑州普罗理想国艺术文化中心
▽ 三亚半山半岛度假区
▽ 三亚半山半岛鹿岛高层
诚聘职位 | Job
O 主创建筑师
1. 8年以上工作经验,建筑学专业,硕士学历优先;
2. 知名事务所或海外工作经验者优先;
3. 独立领导设计/项目,包括概念、方案设计、扩初设计、细节、施工图控制、现场服务等;
4. 具有优秀的方案创作能力和建筑构思创意;
5. 大型文旅综合项目经验丰富者优先;
O 项目建筑师
1. 6年以上工作经验,建筑学专业,硕士学历优先;
2. 知名事务所工作背景优先;
3. 熟悉设计全流程及相关技术法规,可带领设计小组推进项目的设计工作;
4. 熟练掌握AUTOCAD,Sketchup,Photoshop,InDesign等专业软件;
5. 良好的沟通能力,有效协调业主、团队或施工方等多方力量;
6. 大型文旅综合项目经验丰富者优先;
O 建筑师
1. 3年以上工作经验,建筑学专业本科及以上学历;
2. 掌握国家建筑法规、规程;
3. 能在团队负责人的引导下完成各阶段的设计图纸,协助项目建筑师进行方案设计并协助支持项目中后期工作。
4. 精通AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop,InDesign,熟悉Rhino, Grasshopper,Revit优先考虑;
O 助理建筑师
1. 建筑学专业本科及以上学历,优秀的应届毕业生或一年以上相关工作经验;
2. 热爱建筑设计,基本功扎实;
3. 具有较强的设计能力和学习专业知识的主动性,能独立认真的完成设计工作;
4. 熟练使用AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop,InDesign,熟悉Rhino, Grasshopper,Revit优先考虑;
O 室内设计总监
1. 6年以上工作经验,建筑专业本科及以上学历;
2. 有自己独到的设计理念和思维,有深化设计能力者优先;
3. 有较强的沟通能力,团队合作能力,统筹领导能力;
4. 熟练使用AutoCAD、3DMAX、Sketch Up、Photoshop等相关软件;
5. 独立主持过大中型室内设计项目者优先;
O 室内设计师
1. 3年以上工作经验,建筑、环艺设计或相关专业本科及以上学历;
2. 对建筑、结构、机电等设计资料有一定的了解,确保室内设计复核符合相关法律规范;
3. 熟练使用AutoCAD、3DMAX、Sketch Up、Photoshop等相关软件;
4. 和相关设计单位、专业顾问进行协调沟通;
O 建筑实习生
1. 建筑学专业本科四年级以上或研究生在读;
2. 动手能力高,抗压能力强,有责任心;
3. 不少于三个月的完整全职实习周期,实习期间因返校等原因间断不得超过2周,并在申请时说明;
申 请 | Apply
所以,欢迎能加班懂生活,上得了汇报堂,下得了施工场,懂得团队合作,还能保持critical thinking的有志靠谱青年,加入我们!