(北京)ENTRE_ARCHITECTURE 尺间建筑工作室 – 高级建筑师 / 项目建筑师 / 助理建筑师 / 实习生


公司介绍 | About US




|ENTRE| Architecture
As an international design team ,ENTRE offers high-quality design services in urban planning and architecture in both China and Europe, on a variety projects such as cultural, mix-used building, medical, education, urban design and research. ENTRE is experienced from concept to construction phases, in influential large scale public projects.

|Founder| Li Shuwen
Lishuwen, Licensed Architect (DPLG in France), Urban Planner. She has co-founded the Beijing branch of AS. Architecture Studio (World Architecture top 100, particularly Culture market sector top 10), and worked as general manager, untill 2015 she founded her own studio ENTRE. She has lead a numbers of significant projects during her architecture career, such as: Cultural and Art Center of Shandong Province, Three Museums in Zhangjiakou City, Taiyuan South Railway Station Integration Commercial Complex, Urban planning of Central Axis of Jinan West Railway Station…etc

“ENTRE” is French term that relates to the notion of placing oneself “in-between”. The studio tries to position itself as a connecting agent between the different actors of a project and the different needs of a specific situation. ENTRE tries to bridge and bring together sometimes paradoxical elements such as local culture and global thinking, or clients desires and end-users expectations. Our international expertise and our multi-cultural background equip us with a broad perspective and forward-looking attitude that materializes in an architectural production that is both cross-cultural and progressive. With special attention to contexts, sites, functions, culture, society, city, users, economics and technology, we strive for an architecture that is both socially responsible and qualitative in terms of space.



公司项目 | Project


▽ 济南西部新城地铁上盖综合开发项目

▽ 海南海口西海岸互联网总部基

▽ 合肥市合巢产业新城服务中心

▽ 青岛国际职业教育科技城会展中心项目

▽ 北京蒙氏双语幼儿园建筑及室内设计

▽ 北京LMMP中法儿童之家室内设计


办公环境 | Office


招聘职位 | Jobs

高级建筑师 Senior Architect

– 5年以上工作经验
– 建筑学本科或以上学历(中国籍建筑师有海外留学或外企经验者优先)
– 熟悉项目设计组织管理,具有一定的领导能力,善于沟通与团队协作
– 优秀的设计才能和突出的图面表达能力
– 熟练运用相关软件
– 中法文或中英文双语沟通者优先考虑

建筑师 Architects

– 2年以上工作经验
– 建筑学本科或以上学历(中国籍建筑师有海外留学或外企经验者优先)
– 优秀的设计才能和突出的图面表达能力
– 熟练运用相关软件/团队合作精神良好/沟通能力强
– 中法文或中英文双语沟通者优先考虑

助理建筑师 Assistant Architects

– 建筑学本科或以上学历,接受硕士在读学生(中国籍建筑师有海外留学或外企经验者优先)
– 熟练运用相关软件/团队合作精神良好/沟通能力强
– 中法文或中英文双语沟通者优先考虑

接收在校实习生 Interns

– 接受建筑/规划/环艺等专业的学生和毕业生前来实习,实习时间要求全职三个月及以上.


应聘方式 | How to apply



