Cangzhou Mingzhu International Clothing Industry Characteristic Town’s Service Community, China by studio

A comprehensive open space, micro three-dimensional community

Project Specs


感谢 上海严旸建筑设计工作室 予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们,请至 studio on gooood
Appreciations towards studio for providing the following description:


Project Background


After the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integrated Development Outline Plan was upgraded to China’s national development plan, Beijing’s non-capital functions have been transferred outwards, with the clothing wholesale and processing industries bearing the brunt. Under such background, Cangzhou Dongsu Group took advantage of Cangzhou’s geographical advantages to invest in the construction of Mingzhu Trade City and Mingzhu International Clothing Industry Characteristic Town. The whole industry chain has undertaken the pressure from Beijing’s Clothing Industry and even transformed and upgraded on top of it, trying to create a new business operation model that integrates design and development, production and processing, wholesale and retail, warehousing and logistics, e-commerce, entertainment and leisure.

▼项目外观,external view of the project ©Lotan Architectural Photography


This project is located in the Mingzhu International Clothing Industry Characteristic Town of Cangdong Economic Development Zone. The project has been fully launched. It has undertaken the entire industrial chain of R&D, design, processing, and sales of Beijing clothing industry. At the same time, it has also established a clothing research institute and a clothing design institute. Cangdong Development Zone has obvious advantages in this process because there is a lot of unused and undeveloped saline land and it has very convenient transportation. The entire town is dominated by the clothing industry featuring the smart manufacturing. The goal is to form a professional clothing industry cluster that integrates industry aggregation and services, industrial park development, clothing design research and development, one-stop sourcing of materials and accessories, financial services, logistics services, marketing services, branding, and exhibition services.

▼项目区位,project location



Proper Design Principles


In the initial site survey, the client took us to the site and some completed projects. The client was against relying on too much purely decorations or expensive materials to create spaces and scenes like some other typical real estate projects. They did not want us to deliberately build an “internet-famous spot” or “landmark” by creating catchy architectural form or spaces. Instead, the client team hoped us to approach the design based on functionality and actual situations while avoiding excessive pursuit of perfectionism of materials or craftsmanship. We were asked to figure out an appropriate solution, and to define the space through the design, aesthetic and atmosphere. They also imagined this building as a “starting point” to create an open, friendly, natural and attractive public space for communication, leisure and exhibition, which can then extend to the entire industrial park. These ideas are perfectly aligned with the design philosophy of our studio. We adhere to and practice the design principles of “staying thrifty, restraint and integrated, pursuing reality, daily life and natural beauty, and ensuring proper design based on actual conditions”.

▼设计草图,design sketch © studio


Open Space/ Three-dimensional Community


There was an existing R&D office building in the southwest corner of the site, which had re-shaped the site from the original square to an L-shaped one. Therefore, we needed to not only consider the formal relationship between the existing building and new buildings, but also take care of the circulation between them. Since the volume and height of the existing building are not small, we placed the tallest volume in the corresponding northeast corner to balance the overall architectural form of the entire building cluster.

▼形体分析图,Formal diagram © studio


In terms of spatial organization, we stacked the functional spaces, living communities and supporting services with an open entry as connection. We intended to create a three-dimensional composite space, where commercial, exhibition, working, living and leisure functions can be integrated into one so as to achieve an ideal scenario of coexistence.

▼功能轴侧分析图,Axonometric diagram of functions © studio

▼南立面,South facade ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼南立面设计师工作室、面辅料图书馆,South facade of design studio / fabric library ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼东立面,East facade ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼北立面,North facade ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼北立面沿街商铺,Street-facing shops on the north side ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼北立面多功能活动区,North exterior of multifunctional area ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼北入口廊道,North entrance corridor ©Lotan Architectural Photography


Inward Courtyard / Solid vs. Void


To avoid making the whole building cluster too bulky, we tried to construct the space through stagger and intersection of volumes and meanwhile, create many courtyards and open spaces between the building masses. The shift of the solid and void functions as the thread of the spatial narrative, and the in-between spaces enable natural transition between different functional blocks and courtyards.

▼西入口廊道空间,可以看到内院景观,West entrance corridor with views to the courtyard ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼西入口连续散步道,West entrance – walkway ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼从景观水池中看向酒店/公寓楼,Viewing the hotel and apartment building from the pool ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼公寓局部,穿插的体块消解建筑体量,Part of apartments, intersection of volumes reduce the scale of the whole building ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼庭院西侧的设计师工作室、面辅料图书馆,design studio / fabric library on the west side of the courtyard ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼从景观水池望向连续步道,Viewing the walkway from the pool ©Lotan Architectural Photography


Light, Shadows and Structure


Reality is an important concept that we wanted to implement throughout the design. We abandoned the excessive decoration and pursued the true presentation of materials and spaces. We also tried to make sure the process was as clear as possible from the functional space distribution in the early stage to the final construction to prevent waste from modification or duplication. Starting from selecting simple and modest materials such as fair-faced concrete, we also wanted to avoid too many decorative surfaces so that one-time molding can be achieved. Due to the overall design of the interior and exterior of the building, different types of professions, like structure, MEP and architectural design, can be integrated as much as possible. The structure is almost completely exposed to display its beauty. Natural light and shadows also help shape the space.

▼光影下的廊道空间,Corridor space under light and shadows ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼廊道空间内部,Inside the corridor space ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼廊道中的光影,Light and shadow in the corridor ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼位于里连续步道上方的多功能活动空间,multifunctional spaces above the continuous walkway ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼廊道下穿出的树木,Trees growing through the corridor ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼连续步道上看多功能活动空间,Viewing the multifunctional activity space from the walkway ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼多功能活动空间室内,Interior of the multifunctional activity space ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼多功能活动空间钢结构屋顶,Steel roof structure of multifunctional activity space ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼多功能活动空间阶梯,Multifunctional activity area ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼设计师工作室中庭空间,Atrium in design studio ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼酒店空间中庭及楼梯,Atrium & stairs in the hotel © studio

▼内向透光的玻璃盒体,Translucent glass boxes © Lotan Architectural Photography ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼中央树阵与廊道夜景,Night view of the central tree array and corridor © Lotan Architectural Photography ©Lotan Architectural Photography

▼1F设计平面图 1F plan © studio

▼2F设计平面图 2F plan © studio

▼3F设计平面图 3F plan © studio

▼剖立面图Section and elevation © studio

▼节点详图 Detailed diagrams © studio

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室内设计 studio上海严旸建筑设计工作室
景观设计 studio上海严旸建筑设计工作室
灯光设计 studio上海严旸建筑设计工作室

Project name: Cangzhou Mingzhu International Clothing Industry Characteristic Town’s Service Community
Location: Intersection of Huanghe Road & Qiyun Road, Cangdong Economic Development Zone, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Client: Hebei Mingzhu Garment Culture Co., Ltd.
Project area: 26,666.8 square meters
Design firm: studio (
Design scope: Architecture, interiors, landscape, lighting
Design team: YAN Yang, HE Maofeng, YAN Yu
Construction drawings: Hebei Jingcheng Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Steel structure design: HUO Zhenzhong
Main materials: Fair-faced concrete, black travertine, wood cement board, laminated bamboo panel, terrazzo
Design period: December 2018 – June 2019
Construction period: May 2019 – May 2020

More: studio on gooood



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