魔法盒子公寓,西班牙 / Raúl Sánchez Architects




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In a two stories old family house located in the center of Viladecans, an industrial town located in the Barcelona belt, a new generation, a couple and their two daughters, decided to refurbish the ground floor, previously occupied by the grandparents, to allocate it to their own home.

▼项目概览,project overall view © José Hevia


▼平面布局,plan © José Hevia

The house, with a corner location, is characterized by a structural wall that runs longitudinally and creates two well-defined bays on each side. From the beginning, it was decided not to intervene on the structure, so this wall became a backbone of the new proposal, which did contemplate the demolition of the rest of the interior partitions. In this way, from the entrance, a spacious hall opens, made up of a series of planes/partitions that twin with each other, announcing from the entrance that it is a new language, also opening gaps in the upper areas to allow the light from outside enters this area.

▼位于入口区域的小客厅,a small living room in the entrance area © José Hevia

▼走廊中的隔断,partitions in the corridor © José Hevia

▼从走廊看向餐厅,view from the corridor to the dining area © José Hevia

▼走廊,the corridor © José Hevia


▼厨房,the kitchen © José Hevia

▼通过窗户与花园相连的用餐空间,the dining space connected to the garden by a window © José Hevia

Next, a common kitchen and dining space connects to the outside garden, with profuse vegetation, which was respected, connected to the inside through a longitudinal bench that slides into the window opening (enlarged with respect to its original size). The window itself was placed on the exterior face of the facade plan, turning it invisible from the interior, creating the feeling of being in close contact with the exterior.

▼从窗户看向餐厅和厨房,view through the window to the kitchen and dining area © José Hevia


On the other side of the load-bearing wall, a continuum of rooms is developed, which communicate with their own doors with the access area and the kitchen-dining room; but they also communicate with each other by means of alternative connections, which increases the spatial experience and the interior complexity of the house, since there are always two ways to get to the same place. There are four rooms (three bedrooms and a living room) and three service areas between them.

▼书房,study © José Hevia

▼与花园相邻的房间,the room adjacent to the garden © José Hevia


▼同时作为衣柜的盒子中央有一扇连通两间卧室秘密大门,in the middle of the box of drawers is a secret door connecting the two bedrooms © José Hevia

The two smaller bedrooms, intended for the daughters, are actually one same space, in which the magic box is located in the middle: an abstract volume, like a jewelry-surprise box, made of brass, golden and shiny, which encloses the wardrobes, but also a secret passage between the two bedrooms through its central door.This magic box has a height of 210cm (the ceilings are 350cm), and can be climbed on top, making it a place for the girls. The requirement to design a special space for the daughters was present from the very first moment of the project, hence the project itself takes its name from this element.

▼魔法盒子细部,the magic box details © José Hevia

▼项目概览,project overall view © José Hevia


The material strategy is restricted, but it influences the subtle spatial changes of the project: the flooring of the rooms is made of wood, but it changes its direction on either side of the load-bearing wall; in service areas (bathrooms and lobbies between rooms), the floor changes to white microcement, marking the transition between spaces that these areas represent; brass pretends to be a special material of a precious but mysterious object; lintels and jambs are clad in stainless steel to mark the passage of spaces. Finally, a few color interventions were carried out, which subtly highlight the transition between spaces, aligning the color marks with the extension of axes, some of them visible , and others invisible.

▼带有不同色彩的浴室,bathrooms with different colors © José Hevia

Architecture: Raúl Sánchez Architects
Engineering: Marés ingenieros
Structure consultant: Diagonal Arquitectura
Architecture: Albert Montilla, Valentina Barberio
Photography: José Hevia
Location: Viladecans (Barcelona)
Project: 2018
Cosntruction: October 2019-April 2020
Client: Private
Buitl area: 110sqm
Budget <115.000€
Furnishings: VITRA
Construction Company: Ubicaciones y Espacios

More: Raul Sánchez Architects    更多关于他们:Raúl Sánchez Architects on gooood



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